The Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (the SB) this week agreed on mandatory environmental and human rights safeguards for the Article 6.4 carbon crediting mechanism (A6.4 Mechanism) established under the Paris Agreement. The SB is tasked with developing and supervising the requirements and processes needed to operationalize the A6.4 Mechanism. The safeguards will be implemented through the mandatory Sustainable Development Tool (SDT) that assesses and monitors project impacts throughout their lifespan (SDT text available here). 
This bulletin briefly summarizes the SDT criteria for the environmental and social safeguards.
Environmental. The SDT will require those participating in the A6.4 Mechanism to identify, evaluate, avoid, minimize and mitigate the following environmental safeguards associated with projects:

  • Energy. The A 6.4 activity ensures sustainable use of energy.
  • Air, land and water. The A6.4 activity avoids releasing pollutants into the air, land, or water, including hazardous and/or non-hazardous pollutants in solid, liquid, or gaseous phases.
  • Ecology and natural resources. The A6.4 activity avoids adverse direct, indirect and cumulative impacts on habitats and the biodiversity they support.

Social. The SDT will require those participating in the A6.4 Mechanism to identify, evaluate, avoid, minimize and mitigate the following social safeguards associated with projects:

  • Human rights. Project activities must be compliant with human rights obligations.
  • Labour. The A6.4 activity supports employment creation and income generation in the pursuit of poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth, while activity participants of the A6.4 activity are to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Health and safety. The A6.4 activity avoids adverse impacts on the health and safety of the community during its implementation, including those who, because of their circumstances, may be vulnerable.
  • Gender equality. The A6.4 activity avoids potential gender-based risks and impacts by implementing effective measures to prevent, eliminate or mitigate such risks and impacts, thereby eliminating the possibility of reinforcing pre-existing inequalities and/or creating new ones.
  • Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement. The Article 6.4 activity avoids involuntary resettlement and supports the avoidance of activity-related land acquisition and restrictions on land use that lead to adverse impacts on communities and persons. Where involuntary resettlement is unavoidable, it is to be minimized, and appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on displaced persons are to be carefully consulted, planned and implemented.
  • Indigenous Peoples. The activity participant of the A6.4 activity (i) recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous individuals as outlined in host Party laws and regulations, and obligations of the host Party directly applicable to the A 6.4 activity under relevant international treaties and agreements instruments and (ii) supports the creation of opportunities for Indigenous Peoples to participate in and benefit from A6.4 activity-related initiatives that may help them achieve their aspirations for economic and social development.
  • Corruption. The A6.4 activity ensures the avoidance, prevention, and detection of corruption, and responds to corruption or corruption attempts during activity design, development, implementation and operation.
  • Cultural heritage. The A6.4 activity avoids impacts on cultural heritage and must identify and implement measures to address impacts on cultural heritage in accordance with the “A6.4 Environmental and social management plan”.

The agreement on the SDT follows the SB’s previous agreement on the appeal and grievance processes under the A6.4 Mechanism that further safeguards human rights by allowing people affected by A6.4 projects to appeal decisions of the SB or file complaints through an UNFCCC process.

For further information or to discuss the contents of this bulletin, please contact Lisa DeMarco at


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