Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) announced yesterday that it is beginning offset protocol development for the proposed Federal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Offset System (for which proposed regulations are anticipated later this quarter).


The protocols are intended to (i) set out a consistent approach for quantifying GHG emissions reductions and removals for specific offset project types, (ii) outline eligible offset project activities, and (iii) set clear rules for establishing baseline and project scenarios.


Offset protocol development. ECCC intends to develop offset protocols for the following project types starting in early 2021:

  • advanced refrigeration systems;

  • improved forest management (IFM);

  • landfill methane management; and

  • enhanced soil organic carbon.

Subsequent project types under consideration for protocol development include:

  • aerobic composting;

  • afforestation/reforestation;

  • livestock feed management; and

  • avoided conversion of forests.

ECCC has indicated that it will consider developing protocols for avoided conversion of grasslands and reduced nitrogen oxide emissions from agriculture fertilizers as more information becomes available. It also intends to revisit anaerobic digestion and livestock manure management once regulations for the federal Clean Fuel Standard are finalized.


Expert engagement. ECCC is seeking input on a volunteer basis from external technical experts with expertise related to offset project development, GHG validation and verification, sector-based best management practices, offset protocol development, and/or relevant academic research. A Roster of Technical Experts will be established and details are available here.


Indigenous engagement. Indigenous participants are invited to engage through the Roster of Technical Experts process outlined above. However, we understand that ECCC is also developing a separate dedicated process for Indigenous engagement.


For more information or to discuss the contents of this bulletin, please contact Lisa (Elisabeth) DeMarco at lisa@resilientllp.com.

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